Want to prepare some delicious recipes, follow 7 Days of Green. Today's recipe is served by Kawartha Choice FarmFresh.
While Greening Your Plate you may be interested in discovering how you can Green Your Week. As you will see from the calendar, there are many activities for everyone. I had the opportunity, yesterday, to join community gardeners at the Stewart Street garden.
This year, members of the community garden have been building raised beds along the garden to be used as Donation Plots. These will enable gardeners to distribute fresh produce within the surrounding community.
In its second year of existence, the Stewart Street garden was able to purchase a new water cistern thanks to funding received from the Community Foundation of Greater Peterborough. Last year, access to water was limited to a small rain barrel. The new tank which holds over 250 gallons of water will provide much needed extra watering capacity.
And thanks to the generous support of the Peterborough Fire Services, a group of fire fighters came to entertain the kids in the garden and fill the new water tank.