Nourish Logo. Text reads: "Nourish: Belonging Through Food"

2015-2016 Impact Report

Logos for YWCA Peterborough Haliburton, Peterborough Public Health, GreenUp, and the Community Opportunity and Innovation Network
Apple graphic

worth of food purchased from local farmers.

Shopping basket with vegetables graphic
Bus graphic

gleaned and harvested urban fruit trees.

Glass jar graphic

canners trained in safe food preservation techniques.

4163 JustFood boxes distributed.
100 %
of canning class participants said they learned a new skill.
78 %
of canning class participants said they made a new friend.
"There were times when the food box made the difference between whether I had to use the food bank or not."

new volunteers recruited and trained.

Raised hands graphic
Pot graphic
236 people learned new cooking techniques.

healthy meals and snacks served.


cooking workshops offered in the community.

Plate, knife and fork graphic
Oven mitts graphic
85 %
of people surveyed said they made a new friend.
90 %
of people surveyed said they learned a new skill.
"It felt great to be part of a group that accomplished things together." Growing

pounds of food harvested from local community gardens.

Scale graphic
Watering can graphic
590 grew food in local community gardens.

workshops on growing and saving seed.


seeds planted during seed saving workshops.

Shovel and pitchfork graphic
Bean graphic
72 %
of gardeners surveyed agreed local gardens provide an important source of food.
83 %
of gardeners surveyed said community gardening made them feel part of the community.
"Gardening greatly improved my mental health."

people attended Nourish Food Series.

Microphone graphic
Basic Income Campaign logo
500+ participated in our basic income campaign

new peer advocates trained.


advocacy office hours logged.

Woman and man graphic
Clock graphic
90 %
100 %
of training participants said they plan to use the skills they learned outside of the program. of training participants said the program connected them to other services in the area.
"I have more friends and advocates to help if I need it."

216 Simcoe Street, Peterborough, ON K9H 2H7
Tel: (705) 743-3526 -