local food

Promoting a cultural shift

I had the pleasure, last September, to sit down with Leni Rautiainen and Grace Glass, two of the dedicated volunteers who have given birth to the garden.  They talked about how the garden came to be and how the activities it has generated foreshadow the kind of cultural shift that is being promoted by the local food movement. Woven into the plan for the garden since its inception, was the idea that it had to become a strong connector between groups and individuals.  "We wanted to make connections and keep these connections, not only within our own community but within the broader community,

Survey on buying local food

The Peterborough Social Planning Council is conducting this survey to better understand purchasing habits, attitudes and perceptions of local food. The information they gather will be used to help support and direct food policy development locally. It will take only 10 minutes of your time to fill out. Just click on this link to follow the quick and easy steps:  go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/5CGHQ86

Where can I purchase local food?

I've been asking people to tell me where they go to get local food.  Overwhelmingly the answer is:  the market!  We have more and more farmers' markets available to us, particularly during the growing season, from May to October.  The County is teaming with markets:  Millbrook, Mount Pleasant, Lakefield, Warsaw, Buckhorn and Apsley provide their residents with an opportunity to access delicious food from the area.  For detailed information about these markets, check the following link from

$10 a week for local food!

Today is already the last day of the season for the downtown farmers' market!  Can  you believe it?  Don't miss out this last opportunity to celebrate the harvest, purchase lots of delicious local food and scrumptious dishes while sipping some unique coffee.

The market is a hub of activities.  Today, the guest chef comes from the Night Kitchen and will be presenting a new wood fired oven pizza.

Dancing fireflies...

Yesterday's rain brought back to me images of dancing fireflies and I felt a strong longing for going home...

When I was a kid, my mother's family liked to get together whenever possible and prepare "un p'tit gueuleton." Depending on the time of the year, those festive meals would entail lots of local vegetables and a great diversity of seafood - or "fruits de la mer" as we called them.  Fall gatherings, however, often included land snails and I was usually tasked with collecting them in advance.


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