The spirit of giving is strong at this time of year. During the holiday season, it is common to exercise our generosity when we can. Many feel pulled to donate money, food, and time as the winter sets in, and the nights get longer.
Sadly, we know that no amount of generosity is enough to end food insecurity in our communities. Research has shown that food charity does not reduce food insecurity rates. There is plenty of evidence that shows us that public policies that support improved incomes are the answer.
More research is also being done about the impact of systemic racism on food insecurity rates. Black and Indigenous folks, as well as other People of Colour, are at a much higher risk of experiencing food insecurity. Again, this is a problem that cannot be solved with food alone.
At this time of year, we ask that you apply some of that amazing community spirit to becoming an advocate for change as well. Your donations are most definitely important, but so is your voice.
Every year, Nourish creates an Advocacy Advent Calendar, providing 24 resources for you to become a more informed advocate. We’d like to normalize this work toward change in the same way that our society has normalized giving. Check out our calendar each day, and take some time this month to learn about how you can make a difference.
Let’s stretch our sense of “giving” to include giving our time to raise our voices for a better world.
Happy holidays from all of us at Nourish!