How can basic income advance human rights, particularly a right to food? For our next Nourish Food Series, we bring you Josephine Grey, a human rights activist and founder of Low Income Families Together (LIFT), who will present a compelling case for how a basic income could help us secure a human right to food.
Speaker bio
Excerpted from Democracy Watch
Josephine Grey a human rights activist, a widow and mother of four who has been active in the struggle for economic and social justice for more than 20 years.
She is a founder of Low Income Families Together (LIFT) in Toronto, a resource center run by and for low income people. LIFT does community education on human rights, economic and political literacy and helps provide a voice for low income people to the media and government.
She has been involved internationally as a cofounder of the Hemispheric Social Alliance, a network of over 300 national organizations working to challenge and propose alternatives to the current free trade regime which respect human and environmental rights. She became the first international member of the U.S. National Welfare Rights Union in 1994 and continues to work with them on their Economic Human Rights campaign.
She coordinated authored and presented the Ontario People's Report to the UN committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights in 1998. Josephine has served as the International Secretary for Canada Without Poverty (formerly the National Anti-Poverty Organization (NAPO)) and continues to work at the community level with fellow volunteers on empowering people to stand up for their rights. She now also works for an international committee on using human rights treaties to address global economic policy and trade agreements.