Basic Income: The Time Has Come

Short film and panel presentation
Basic Income: The Time Has Come
Wednesday, April 3, 2019 - 7:00pm to Thursday, April 4, 2019 - 8:45pm
140 Charlotte Street
Peterborough, ON K9J 2T8

Everyone is welcome at this FREE event.

After the film, The Manitoba Story, Ron Hikel, Joli Scheidler-Benns and Dana Bowman will share first hand experiences and lessons learned from the Manitoba and Ontario basic income pilot projects.

Ron Hikel negotiated, set up and managed the research organization delivering Mincome Manitoba, the federal-provincial social science experiement with basic income.  He is a political scientist and management consultant. He has applied these disciplines as a public servant, as an academic teaching political science in three Canadian and US universities, as a private sector consultant, and as a political advisor and organizer in the US, Canada and England. He is married, has three children and admits to being a life-long fan of the Boston Red Sox.

Joli Scheidler-Benns is an advocate for a Basic Income Guarantee.  She is  a contributing author of Signposts to Success, a report detailing the impact of the Ontario pilot project.  A York University PhD Candidate, Ms Scheidler-Benns does research and community development work for the Linday Advocate, and is a teacher, learner, mom and wife.

Dana Bowman is a basic income participant from Lindsay.  Ms Bowman is one of four Lindsay residents who have filed a class-action lawsuit against the Province of Ontario in the wake of the government's cancellation of the basic income pilot project.

Our MC for the evening will be Dr. Rosana Salvaterra.  Dr. Salvaterra has served as the Medical Officer of Health for Peterborough Public Health since 2008.  Prior to coming to Peterborough, she worked in both Toronto and Stratford in similar positions.  Dr. Salvaterra currently holds an academic appointment with Queen's University, and has worked both internationally, and in First Nations communities in Canada.  She currently participates in a number of local and provincial committees.

Watch the trailer for The Manitoba Story
