JustFood Contacts

“If I am able to make it easier to have access to healthy food… then I have done a good thing. People are able to work better, and children are able to learn more with healthy food in their tummies.” ~JustFood Contact

Become a JustFood Neighbourhood Contact

JustFood is reaching out to involve more people as Neighbourhood Contacts in Peterborough and the surrounding area. Do you have a friend who is also interested in getting more involved with the program?  Wonderful- you can work together!

What's involved?

Here’s what you would do as a volunteer JustFood Contact:

  • Take orders from participants
  • Be present twice per month for JustFood delivery and distribution
  • Pick up boxes and bring to your local depot if you live outside the city

Better yet, by becoming a Neighbourhood contact, you will receive a discount on your own box and help with gas as our way of saying “Thank You!”

Want more info? 

Give us a call at 705-743-3526 and let’s chat.