Under the leadership of the Community Foundation of Greater Peterborough, Vital Signs brought together community leaders and stakeholders, professional consultants and statisticians, as well as everyday citizens in assessing our regional vitality. The purpose is to understand and evaluate how we, as a community, are doing across a number of “issue areas,” while helping us identify significant trends, and highlight our community’s needs and strengths. Don't jump to a conclusion though, it's not just another report. It's an engaging document which presents local data in a very accessible format, as this page beautifully illustrates:
One of the areas chosen for 2013 is food security. With its engaging format, Vital Signs enables each and every one of us to generate lively conversations about the issue and glean some fresh ideas to grow our food security and address poverty in our community.
Food security is a key issue, not only for us here in Peterborough City and County, but throughout Canada. That's the conclusion reached by the Community Foundations of Canada as it unveiled, yesterday as well, its special report on Food Security titled, Fertile Ground, Sowing the Seeds of Change in Canada's Food System. As part of their national report, they have produced this short video
Once you've watched the video, let us know the actions that you want to take to address food security in our region.