Do you have a fruit tree which produces more than you can use? If so, would you be interested in calling gleaners to the rescue? They can come, collect the fruit from your tree and leave you a third of the harvest or simply pick what you don't want. It's a win-win solution! No more mess and an opportunity to support people who may not have access to healthy, local food.
So how can you get involved? It's very simple. The following YouTube video shows you, step by step, what you need to do to register your tree and provide us with the information we need to connect you with gleaners. You can even share your favorite recipe!
Once your tree is registered, Peterborough Gleans will connect with you to confirm that you want to work with gleaners. Closer to harvest time, you will be contacted by Peterborough Gleans to check that the fruit is ripening on time and to let you know when gleaners will be coming.
We promote a very gentle way of harvesting fruit. We do not damage the trees, nor do we use ladders or shake the trees. In addition, gleaners will leave your yard in the same condition they found it.
So ready to register? Just click on this link and follow the steps.
Thank you so much for your interest and let's send great vibes for a productive growing season!